Houseplant Soil
Houseplant Soil
Organic peat-free houseplant soil
Houseplant Soil
Houseplant Soil
Houseplant Soil
Houseplant Soil
Houseplant Soil
Houseplant Soil
Houseplant Soil
Houseplant Soil
Houseplant Soil

Nutrient-Rich Pilea Soil

An Earth Positive, well-draining potting mix for your pilea plant
Rated 4.9 out of 5
Based on 358 reviews
Regular price$19.99

☑ A high-quality, eco-friendly pilea potting soil
☑ Contains no coco coir, perlite, vermiculite, pumice, or sphagnum peat moss
☑ Promotes drainage and moisture absorption
☑ Specifically crafted for a pilea houseplant

Vegan Compost

Our plant-based aged compost creates a thriving environment for your pilea plant. 


It offers plenty of organic matter, enhances soil structure, and promotes drainage.

Moreover, it’s a natural source of vital nutrients like nitrogen and potassium. This reduces your dependence on chemical fertilizers, which harm the soil when used excessively.  

Carbon-Negative Biochar

Biochar is the foundation of our pilea potting soil. 

It encourages root development and increases water and nutrient retention, boosting indoor plant growth.

But that’s not all! 

Biochar also helps lock atmospheric carbon dioxide! 

For every ton of biochar produced, three tons of carbon dioxide are removed from the carbon cycle. This makes it an Earth Positive substance.  

As a result, Rosy’s pilea potting soil is a fantastic alternative to regular pilea soils (which contain unsustainable ingredients like sphagnum peat moss and coco coir).

Root Boosting Mycorrhizae

Mycorrhizae (mahy-kuh-rahy-zee) are plant-friendly fungi that support your potted pilea hold on to water and vital nutrients. 

How does that happen?

They help your houseplants thrive by bonding with their root system. 

The fungi also release glomalin, a gum-like substance that further traps nutrients and soil moisture. Seriously, what can’t they do?  

Step 1: Pre-Moisten

Rosy’s pilea potting soil works best when it’s pre-moistened. Sprinkle it with water, so the soil releases a few drops when pressed. 

Step 2: Pot or repot

Fill a pot 1/3 with moist soil. 

Use a pot with a good drainage hole to prevent root rot. 

Step 3: Plant

Carefully remove your pilea plant from its current soil mix, clearing any soil debris around the roots.

Loosen the root ball and center the houseplant into your pot. Then, fill the pot with more moistened soil, leaving an inch at the top for watering.

Finally, keep the plant under bright indirect light (away from direct sunlight).

Step 4: Water

Water your potted pilea peperomioides plants gently, allowing the excess water to drain from the bottom. 

For the next watering, try bottom watering (by placing the pot in a container/tray of water). 

The benefit?

It consistently moistens the potting mix and nourishes the roots. Plus, you won’t drench your pilea’s leaves!

Periodically water the soil from the top to flush out accumulated mineral and salt deposits. 

Rosy’s entire supply chain has a net negative carbon footprint — from production to delivery.

Even better: our indoor potting soil traps over 2kg of CO2 from the carbon cycle!

How did we accomplish this?

We intentionally use the most sustainable carbon-negative ingredients (like biochar), packaging, and shipping processes. 

Read our Life Cycle Assessment to learn more.

Guaranteed Analysis 0.72-0.22-0.37

Total Nitrogen (N) ..................................0.72%

     0.72 % Water Insoluble Nitrogen

Available Phosphate (P2O5)...................0.22%

Soluble Potash (K2O).............................0.37%

Derived from green compost and wood waste compost


Soil Amending Guaranteed Analysis

Active Ingredients

     Rhizophagus irregularis.........2.3 propagules/cm3

     Funneliformis mosseae..........2.1 propagules/cm3

     30% Biochar derived from pine wood

Inert Ingredients

     70% Total Other Ingredients (inert as non plant food ingredients)

Biochar reduces soil density and increases soil aeration.

Mycorrhizae may promote root mass expansion and nutrient efficiency.

Rosy Soil vs Other Soil Brands

Carbon Footprint - 2.05 kg + 3.38 kg
Promotes Soil Biodiversity 🐛 🚫
All Natural Ingredients 100% ???
Peat, Synthetics, And Fillers 🙅‍♀️ 🤷‍♂️

Pilea Soil & Plant Care Guide

The pilea plant (stinging nettle family) is a perennial succulent native to South China’s Yunnan Province.

Its common names include the Chinese money plant, missionary plant, UFO plant, friendship plant, and pancake plant.

Some of its popular varieties are:

  • Pilea peperomioides (Chinese money plant/ UFO plant/ pancake plant): Pilea peperomioides plants have dark green leaves. Each pilea leaf is joined to the plant’s crown by a petiole (leaf stem).
  • Pilea mollis (moon valley): The pilea mollis plant has sawtooth-edged leaves with textures like the moon's craters.
  • Pilea cadierei (aluminum plant): This pilea houseplant has dark green leaves with four silver metallic patches.
  • Pilea involucrata (friendship plant): The pilea involucrata has velvet leaves with deep veins.

But regardless of the variety, the care aspects are more or less similar. 

Let’s explore the best soil mix and other elements of pilea peperomioides care:

1. The Best Potting Soil for Pileas

The best potting soil for a pilea houseplant will have:

  • Good drainage: To prevent root rot, it must be a well-draining soil that retains some moisture. 
  • Plant food: The soil should have nutrients and organic matter to help your pilea flourish.
  • Sufficient aeration: The potting mix should be fluffy and light with air pockets. This ensures that indoor plant roots have access to oxygen.

Our Rosy pilea soil meets all these requirements, making it the ideal option for indoor plant parents. 

2. Essential Pilea Care Tips 

Follow these handy guidelines for your pilea plant (ideal for a beginner):

  • Avoid overwatering: Overwatering can lead to droopy, curling leaves, and yellow leaves. Only water the plant when the soil’s top 1-2 inches are dry.
    Hot tip: Use dechlorinated tap water or rainwater for watering, as high chlorine levels can damage your plant. To dechlorinate the tap water, keep it in an open container for 24 hours until the chlorine evaporates naturally.
  • Provide good drainage: Ensure the plastic pot or terra cotta pot you use has a drainage hole. Remember, a terra cotta pot dries faster than a plastic one.
  • Find the right temperature: Pilea plants love high humidity and temperatures of 15-30°C (59-86°F) during the growing season (spring-fall).
  • Avoid direct sunlight or bright light: Give it bright indirect light but not direct sun (or low light!). Periodically rotate the houseplant, so it gets even sunlight. 
  • Fertilize the pilea plant: Fertilize it monthly during the growing season to stimulate new growth. 

Note: Lower leaves drop with age. It isn’t a sign of bad care.

3. Pilea Propagation

The quickest way to propagate pilea is from a stem cutting (preferably from a new growth without a pilea leaf). 

Follow these steps to propagate pilea peperomioides:

  • Take a stem cutting from the mother plant.
  • Place the cuttings in a well-draining container with moist soil. 
  • Keep it in a warm spot until they root. New plants should root in 3-5 weeks.

4. Repotting Pileas

Here are some repotting tips:

  • The pilea babies (plantlets that grow on the stem or roots of the mother plant) are slow growers. Repot them once a year in their growing season (or until the new plant is 2-3” tall.)
  • The larger the baby plant is during repotting, the better it’ll survive without the mother plant.
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358 Reviews
Reviewed by Avis L. P.
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Houseplant Soil
Houseplant Soil
I recommend this product
Rated 5 out of 5

Interesting soil seems great.

I’ve transplanted all that I could for about 3 weeks now and all of the plants appear very happy. I enjoyed working with it also. I would definitely plant more of my plants in the soil.

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Reviewed by LORI R.
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Houseplant Soil
Houseplant Soil
I recommend this product
Rated 5 out of 5

Great Drainage

Very good aeration and drainage, I tend to over water and because of the excellent drainage me and my plants are on very good terms.

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Reviewed by Shane S.
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Houseplant Soil
Houseplant Soil
I recommend this product
Rated 5 out of 5

Let it grow!!

This stuff rocks. Good for the earth and a catalyst for adding houseplants to my collection!

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Reviewed by Debra
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Houseplant Soil
Houseplant Soil
I recommend this product
Rated 5 out of 5

Repotting my plants

I received my FIRST order on Saturday. The bag was huge! I repotted my neanthe Bella palm and she is adjusting nicely. Then I used the rest to repot a huge sansevieria that I received last month and which was rootbound. This soil was extremely easy to work with and I managed to transfer my sansevieria into a larger pot with no difficulty. I appreciate the time which the team has taken to answer all of my questions regarding this soil. I am highly recommending and will definitely purchase again

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Reviewed by Kaila
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Houseplant Soil
Houseplant Soil
I recommend this product
Rated 5 out of 5

My plants love it!

I’m really happy with this soil mix. I repotted four plants with this mix 2 months ago and my plants are very happy. My monstera has grown 6 new leaves sine repotting. I did major surgery on my jade and it has put out so many new little leaves. I do pick out little mushrooms often but it doesn’t bother me. Will be purchasing again.

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