How To Make Your Hoya Bloom (Hoya Types + Growing Tips)


The hoya plant (common name: wax plant) is a tropical plant from the milkweed family. 

It’s an easy grower loved for its waxy leaves and star-shaped umbels (a type of cluster) of beautiful flowers. Plus, its variegated foliage and flower color, including pink, burgundy, and white flowers, make a great addition to your garden.

But here’s the deal…

A hoya bloom depends on factors like:

Let’s look at these aspects and other plant care tips to encourage hoya blooms.

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3 Factors that Determine a Hoya Bloom

The three aspects that influence a beautiful hoya bloom include:

Factor #1: Hoya Plant Species and Seasons

Here are 14 popular species of hoya and their flowering seasons: 

  • January to August
    • Hoya australis
  • March to August
    • Hoya carnosa (including hoya krimson princess and hoya krimson queen) 
    • Hoya diversifolia
    • Hoya fitchii
    • Hoya kentiana
    • Hoya kerrii
    • Hoya obovata
    • Hoya pubicalyx
  • March to December
    • Hoya lacunosa
  • June to December
    • Hoya carnosa compacta (hoya compacta or Hindu rope plant
    • Hoya linearis
    • Hoya multiflora 

Factor #2: Plant Age and Maturity

A hoya plant blooms only after reaching maturity. 

When does a hoya mature?

Depending on the hoya variety, it can take 2-5 years. 

Factor #3: Growing Conditions

Indoor plants like hoyas thrive in bright indirect light (not direct sunlight) with humidity around 40%-60%. 

What’s more?

The plant’s roots need to breathe and dry quickly. So choose a well-draining soil and plant your hoya in a pot with plenty of drainage holes. 

8 Essential Hoya Plant Care Tips for Beautiful Blooms 

Let’s explore care tips for blooming and growing hoyas: 

1. Choose the Right Soil 

Remember: Pot your hoya plant in well-draining soil with good aeration. 

An ideal potting mix should have drainage amendments like compost, biochar, and orchid bark.


If the soil’s too soggy, hoyas can develop root rot. 

We recommend:

Use Rosy's all-natural and fertile hoya potting soil instead of the standard potting mix. 

It’s an Earth Positive mix free from unsustainable amendments, like peat moss, perlite, and coco coir. 

2. Keep Hoyas Root-Bound

Keeping your hoyas root-bound is a great way to encourage blooms. 

It allows your hoya indoor plants to utilize their energy to flower abundantly

So when should you repot hoyas?

Only repot when the roots outgrow the container.  

3. Provide Adequate Bright Light

Keep your hoya indoor plant where it can get 2-6 hours of bright indirect light. 

You can also use shades to protect your wax plant from direct sunlight, especially around midday.

But look:

Some hoya varieties can thrive under 12-16 hours of grow lights (indoor plant lighting), but a few need more bright light.

These include:

  • Hoya krimson queen
  • Hoya carnosa (aka wax flower or porcelain flower)
  • Hoya kerrii

Hot Tip: According to the International Hoya Association, indirect light or low light conditions may prevent hoya blooms. 

4. Meet its Watering Needs

Water your hoya plant when the top 1-2 inches of soil dries. Reduce your watering frequency in autumn and winter to prevent root rot. 

Hot Tip: Ensure your hoya pot has drainage holes, allowing excess water to drain. 

5. Feed Your Hoya Plant  

Feed your hoya houseplant organic food rich in phosphorus and nitrogen, like worm castings, to support plant growth. 

The benefit?

Phosphorus promotes flowering, and nitrogen encourages stem and leaf growth.

6. Ensure Comfortable Humidity and Environment Conditions

A tropical plant like hoya thrives in good humidity (around 40%-60%) and room temperatures around 60-75 ℉. 

And unlike succulents, hoyas don’t do well in cold climates. So, keep your hoya houseplant away from the windows in winter. 

7. Protect Against Pests

To get rid of pests, like aphids and mealybugs, wipe your hoya with isopropyl rubbing alcohol. 

8. Prune Dead Parts

Did you know new flowers emerge from the base or peduncle of older blooms? 

So only prune the plant’s long vines and dead parts, including foliage (its waxy leaves) but not the flowers. 

3 FAQs About Hoya Blooms

Still have questions about hoyas?

We’ve got you covered.

1. Why Are My Hoya Flower Buds Falling Off Before They Bloom? 

Hoya flower buds may fall when the potting soil is too dry or moist for a long time. 

2. Can Repotting Affect Hoya Blooms? 

Yes! Since hoyas like being pot-bound, repotting too often may cause plant stress and prevent new blooms.

Only repot your hoya when their roots escape the container’s drainage holes. 

3. Which Hoya Varieties Bloom on a Trellis? 

Hoyas, like hoya carnosa (or porcelain flower), hoya obovata, and hoya kerrii, can thrive with a trellis or hanging basket. 

Enjoy a Fragrant Hoya Bloom

A hoya bloom is a real treat, but it depends on your plant’s species, age, growing conditions, and care.

Ready to give your hoya the TLC it needs?

Try Rosy's hoya soil

Our all-natural, nutrient-rich potting soil provides good aeration and drainage — perfect for any hoya variety.