Houseplant Soil
Houseplant Soil
Organic peat-free houseplant soil
Houseplant Soil
Houseplant Soil
Houseplant Soil
Houseplant Soil
Houseplant Soil
Houseplant Soil
Houseplant Soil
Houseplant Soil
Houseplant Soil

Well-Draining Philodendron Soil

A nutrient-rich potting soil with great aeration for your philodendron plant
Rated 4.9 out of 5
Based on 357 reviews
Regular price$19.99

☑ High-quality philodendron soil mix with eco-friendly ingredients (no peat moss, perlite, coco coir, pumice, etc.)
☑ Enhances drainage and aeration, improves moisture retention, and contains top-notch organic matter
☑ Excellent soil mix for a fast-growing and healthy philodendron

Vegan Compost

Our aged and plant-based compost provides philodendron plants with plenty of organic matter, improves soil structure, and allows for excellent drainage.

Moreover, it’s a natural source of vital nutrients. So, it’ll reduce your reliance on synthetic fertilizers that decrease soil pH and harm beneficial microbes. 

Carbon-Negative Biochar

Biochar is the champion of our earth-positive soil mix! 

It’s a sustainable soil additive that aids water conservation, nutrient retention, and soil structure — leading to healthy leaf and root growth in your philodendron.

But there’s more!

For every ton of biochar produced, three tons of CO2 is removed from the carbon cycle (meaning it won’t be released into the atmosphere). 

This makes biochar a fantastic alternative to unsustainable traditional soil additives, like peat moss, coco coir, and perlite.

Root Boosting Mycorrhizae

Mycorrhizae (mahy-kuh-rahy-zee) are plant-friendly fungi that form a symbiotic (mutually beneficial) relationship with philodendron plant roots. They improve the roots’ access to water and vital nutrients by forming a sort of secondary root system.

These fungi also release a gum-like substance (glomalin) that further helps lock in moisture and nutrients. 

Step 1: Pre-Moisten

We recommend moistening Rosy soil before using it for your philo.

Place your Rosy philodendron soil in a separate container and water it until it releases a few drops when squeezed.

Step 2: Pot or repot

Choose an indoor plant pot with good drainage and fill it 1/3 of the way with Rosy philodendron soil.

Step 3: Plant

Carefully release your philodendron from its current soil and container. 

Loosen the root ball, ensuring you remove any soil debris lodged in the roots. Then, center the plant into the new pot and fill the remaining space with Rosy. 

We recommend leaving an inch of space at the top for watering.

Step 4: Water

Water your philodendron plant slowly, letting the excess drain from the bottom.

For future watering, we suggest bottom watering (by placing the pot in a container of water) as it helps keep the soil evenly moist. You can do an occasional top watering to flush out excess salts and minerals from the potting soil.

Our entire supply chain has a net negative carbon footprint, from production to your home! 

In fact, each bag of Rosy Philodendron soil keeps 2kg of CO2 from entering the carbon cycle.

How do we manage this? 

We carefully select carbon-negative ingredients (like biochar) and use sustainable packaging and shipping options.

You can Read our Life Cycle Assessment to learn more. 

Guaranteed Analysis 0.72-0.22-0.37

Total Nitrogen (N) ..................................0.72%

     0.72 % Water Insoluble Nitrogen

Available Phosphate (P2O5)...................0.22%

Soluble Potash (K2O).............................0.37%

Derived from green compost and wood waste compost


Soil Amending Guaranteed Analysis

Active Ingredients

     Rhizophagus irregularis.........2.3 propagules/cm3

     Funneliformis mosseae..........2.1 propagules/cm3

     30% Biochar derived from pine wood

Inert Ingredients

     70% Total Other Ingredients (inert as non plant food ingredients)

Biochar reduces soil density and increases soil aeration.

Mycorrhizae may promote root mass expansion and nutrient efficiency.

Rosy Soil vs Other Soil Brands

Carbon Footprint - 2.05 kg + 3.38 kg
Promotes Soil Biodiversity 🐛 🚫
All Natural Ingredients 100% ???
Peat, Synthetics, And Fillers 🙅‍♀️ 🤷‍♂️

Philodendron Soil & Plant Care

Philodendron is a tropical plant from the Araceae (Aroid) family that comes in several varieties, including:

  • Heartleaf philodendron (Philodendron hederaceum or Philodendron scandens)
  • Philodendron Hope Selloum, tree philodendron, or split leaf philodendron (Philodendron bipinnatifidum, formerly philodendron selloum)
  • Philodendron Brasil (a cultivar of Philodendron Hederaceum)
  • “Pink Princess” or pink princess philodendron (Philodendron erubescens)
  • Philodendron Birkin
  • Philodendron Congo
  • Philodendron Prince of Orange

Some philodendron species grow vines like pothos plants, while others have larger leaves similar to Monstera deliciosa, Monstera adansonii, and Alocasia.

This plant does well in low-light environments, out of direct sunlight. It also requires moist soil, which should be airy and well-draining to avoid issues like root rot (common in indoor plants).

Wondering how to care for your philodendron plant?

Follow these vital philodendron care tips:

1. Choosing the Right Philodendron Soil Mix 

The best potting soil to grow philodendron plants (whether philodendron pink princess, heartleaf philodendron, or split leaf) should have :

  • Good aeration: gives philodendron roots easy access to oxygen 
  • Good drainage: prevents root rot through waterlogging 
  • Adequate moisture retention: helps the plant absorb water before it drains 
  • Sufficient nutrients and organic material: enables healthy plant growth 

That’s why it’s best to use a high-quality soil mix, like Rosy, rather than garden soil to grow philodendron.

Note: While you can use succulent soil to plant philodendrons, you’ll have to amend it with organic matter to help the philodendron flourish. 

We also suggest steering clear of conventional potting mixes, DIY soil mix, and soilless mixtures that contain unsustainable soil additives, like: 

  • Coco coir 
  • Perlite 
  • Peat moss (or sphagnum moss)  
  • Pumice

Instead, buy a bag of Rosy’s philodendron soil, which is 100% sustainable and contains everything your beloved indoor plant needs to thrive! 

2. Identifying Problems with Philodendron Plant Care

Philodendron care mainly involves:

  • Keeping the soil moist
  • Placing the plant in indirect light
  • Monitoring the health of the root system 

These low requirements make it a popular houseplant for beginners.

However, certain issues may leave you wondering, “What’s wrong with my philodendron houseplant?”

When its soil, water, and light needs aren’t properly met, you may notice:

  • Yellowing leaves (underwatering or insufficient sunlight)
  • Green leaves turning brown and mushy (overwatering)
  • Leaf tips turning brown (underwatering, too much sunlight, or low humidity)
  • Root rot and a bad odor (lack of good drainage)
  • Small tan spots on the leaf (spider mite infestation or fungal infection) 

3. Pruning & Propagating Philodendron Plants

Pruning indoor plants is an essential part of plant care. 

Typically, a philodendron houseplant will have green leaves, vines, and an aerial root system. So, to maintain this tropical plant, you need to prune overgrown vines, damaged roots, or yellow leaves.

You can also propagate philodendron plants using a stem cutting (or leaf cutting with a node) from pruning. 

Here’s how to propagate philodendron:

  • Place a 6-inch stem cutting in water to develop its aerial root system 
  • Replace the water regularly for successful philodendron propagation 
  • Once the roots develop, relocate the new plant to a pot 
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357 Reviews
Reviewed by Avis L. P.
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Houseplant Soil
Houseplant Soil
I recommend this product
Rated 5 out of 5

Interesting soil seems great.

I’ve transplanted all that I could for about 3 weeks now and all of the plants appear very happy. I enjoyed working with it also. I would definitely plant more of my plants in the soil.

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Reviewed by LORI R.
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Houseplant Soil
Houseplant Soil
I recommend this product
Rated 5 out of 5

Great Drainage

Very good aeration and drainage, I tend to over water and because of the excellent drainage me and my plants are on very good terms.

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Reviewed by Shane S.
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Houseplant Soil
Houseplant Soil
I recommend this product
Rated 5 out of 5

Let it grow!!

This stuff rocks. Good for the earth and a catalyst for adding houseplants to my collection!

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Reviewed by Debra
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Houseplant Soil
Houseplant Soil
I recommend this product
Rated 5 out of 5

Repotting my plants

I received my FIRST order on Saturday. The bag was huge! I repotted my neanthe Bella palm and she is adjusting nicely. Then I used the rest to repot a huge sansevieria that I received last month and which was rootbound. This soil was extremely easy to work with and I managed to transfer my sansevieria into a larger pot with no difficulty. I appreciate the time which the team has taken to answer all of my questions regarding this soil. I am highly recommending and will definitely purchase again

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Reviewed by Kaila
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Houseplant Soil
Houseplant Soil
I recommend this product
Rated 5 out of 5

My plants love it!

I’m really happy with this soil mix. I repotted four plants with this mix 2 months ago and my plants are very happy. My monstera has grown 6 new leaves sine repotting. I did major surgery on my jade and it has put out so many new little leaves. I do pick out little mushrooms often but it doesn’t bother me. Will be purchasing again.

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